The activities in this sector represent one of the strong points of Impresa Luigi Notari since the beginnings.

In this sector, works have been conducted in the most diverse environments such as canals, tunnels, rivers and reservoirs for the construction or ordinary as well as extraordinary maintenance of barrages, dams, embankments, artificial banks, pipelines and the construction of hydro electric power stations, water lifting systems or the distribution of drinking, industrial or sewage water.

The most notable contracts in this field were executed for ENEL, one of Notari’s most long-standing clients and partners for the commissioning of power plants, as well as for AIPO (Interregional Agency for the Po River) for the execution of river works, SO.RI.CAL. for drinking water works, Consorzio Villoresi for irrigation systems and Hera for sewerage networks.

The vast expertise accumulated contributed to the development of increasingly modern and innovative technology, best suited to guarantee the highest standards of quality and safety (ONE SAFETY – zero accidents workplace safety project).


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